Defense Mechanisms and How to Overcome Them

A good example of one of the Defense Mechanisms is humor. We use humor as a defense mechanism to ease the pain and intensity of grief. It is not an avoidance of the pain, but a temporary escape from it. But like any defense mechanism, humor can become unhealthy if you use it too much. Some of the primitive forms of defense mechanisms can lead to more problems, while more complex methods can alleviate the pain more effectively.


Psychometric properties of the DSQ-40 suggest satisfactory reliability. The psychometric properties of the DSQ defense mechanism scales are presented in Tables 3 and 4. Correlation coefficients between the defense style and a measure of psychological well-being are negative in the Image-distorting and Neurotic styles. Correlation coefficients between the Defense style and paternal and maternal acceptance are positive in the Immature style and negative in the Neurotic and Surface style. The study demonstrates that the defense styles only moderately affect achievement.

The DSQ-40 combines two scales, namely the severity of a defense mechanism and the intensity of the response. These two scales are widely used in psychiatric evaluations of children and adolescents. In addition, the DSQ is highly valid and dependable in assessing emotional and behavioral problems. The DSQ-40 has been validated using multiple methods, including factor analysis. As a result, it may be used as a screening tool for a wide variety of disorders.


Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales (DMRS-Q) have been developed to evaluate changes in defense mechanisms during psychodynamic psychotherapy. The DMRS-Q provides quantitative scores and a qualitative profile of a person’s defensive functioning. The DMRS-Q includes fourteen items that are written in columns 6 and 7, as well as a case description of the person’s defense functioning. The software automatically lists the written items, and identifies the level of defensive functioning and the individual’s defenses.

In addition to providing scores for individual defenses, DMRS also provides four levels of scoring for the different types of defenses. Individual defense scores are proportional, while defense level scores are percentages. These defense levels are composed of three to eight sub-defenses that share common functions, and are arranged hierarchically into seven categories based on their adaptiveness and generality. The summative defense score is derived by averaging the individual defense level scores and weighting them according to their order in the hierarchy. The resulting summative score is a number between one and seven.


People with split personalities often experience intense emotional experiences. They may think of their partner as an angel or the devil, and cannot integrate those thoughts and feelings. These behaviors can be abusive toward their partners. Splitters may also split into opposite sexes. Here are some signs that you may have a split personality. Read on to find out how to overcome this common pattern. Listed below are a few signs that you might split.

The split defence mechanism is often triggered by anxiety. This reaction is the Ego’s way of protecting itself. Analyzing the defense mechanism, Anna Freud outlined nine and ten. Splitting and denial were often listed as two of the defences. The ORAL and ANAL phases are associated with reaction-formation and undoing. To understand this more fully, let us look at an example.


Regression as a defense mechanism is a behavior that involves regressing to a more primitive state, or a childish phase of development. It may seem harmless at first, but it can lead to many undesirable outcomes. For example, if an alcoholic is accused of acting childish, they may resort to regression in order to mask their true feelings. Regression is a dangerous defense mechanism that can cause a host of negative consequences, including the loss of a child or adult.

Psychoanalyst Michael Balint, an Hungarian psychoanalyst who is a relevant member of the object relations school, describes two types of regression: benign and pathological. Benign regression is linked to childhood, while pathological regression is related to neurosis, Oedipus complex, or the Oedipus complex. Benign regression can occur at various stages of a person’s life, from infancy to middle age. Freud, for example, considered nail biting and smoking as signs of fixation during the oral phase.


What is projection, and can it be used as a defense mechanism? The basic concept of projection is to assign a certain quality to a person based on their own internalized sense of right and wrong. Some projections are more negative than others, while others are more positive. This article will cover some of the most common projections and explain how they can be used to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Here are a few examples.

Projection can have many negative consequences, including mental health issues. If you constantly blame others for something, chances are that you have a low self-esteem and are struggling with feelings of insecurity. While projection can be useful in a social context, it can create serious problems in an individual’s internal world. For instance, a person who constantly complains about their friend’s relationship might be having a low self-esteem and feeling unacceptably jealous.


One of the most common psychological defense mechanisms is denial, a process in which we avoid experiencing the consequences of our actions. Although this defense mechanism may seem counterproductive, it can also help us understand ourselves and our loved ones better. The following are examples of denial. We may experience these behaviors if we are under a great deal of debt, for example. Sublimation is an alternative defense mechanism that involves channeling socially unacceptable impulses into physical activities.

The results of this study indicate that the absence of the corpus callosum may disrupt the orderly maturation of defense mechanisms. They show that individuals with AgCC use more denial and less identification in their defenses, which is consistent with a larger view of the brain’s development. Despite these findings, this study suggests that the absence of the corpus callosum from birth could disrupt this order. Thus, denial and identification are both age-appropriate.

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