
Depression in Adolescents

A number of prevention and intervention programs have been shown to be effective at reducing depressive symptoms among adolescents. These programs teach adolescents problem-solving and coping skills, and they also help them overcome stressful situations. While prevention programs are effective, studies have not been conducted on whether they are successful long term. In one study, no significant differences were found between those who were given intervention programs and those who did not. Still, some studies have shown positive results with prevention programs, such as the improvement of the school environment.

Interpersonal therapy relieves some symptoms of depression in adolescents

The goal of treatment is to improve a client’s interpersonal skills. The therapist will help the client identify and deal with the factors that contribute to his or her depressed mood. The therapist will also help the client learn strategies to help him or her cope with challenging situations. These skills will help the client become more aware of his or her feelings and overcome obstacles. This therapy can relieve some symptoms of depression in adolescents.


While there is no single cause of depression in adolescents, there are effective treatments that can relieve symptoms. Treatment for depression in adolescents typically involves a combination of psychotherapy and medications. There are several classes of antidepressants that can be used for treatment. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are among the most common types of antidepressants, and are more effective at relieving the symptoms of depression. Unlike antidepressants for adults, SSRIs are less likely to cause adverse side effects in adolescents.


The relationship between alcoholism and depression in adolescents is complex. The prevalence of depressive symptoms is high, with 17.1% of students reporting suicidal thoughts. The median CES-D score for adolescents is 14.0. The prevalence of current alcohol use is 7.3%, and 13.2% report alcohol-related problems. In addition, many students who report alcohol-related problems are at risk for substance abuse. The study’s findings suggest that adolescents who drink excessively have poor mental health.

Poor nutrition

Recent research has found a connection between poor nutrition and depression in adolescents. The study looked at the diets of 850 girls aged twelve to 18 years old. It found that high intakes of fast food were linked to higher incidences of depression. Although no definitive link was found between poor nutrition and depression, the study does suggest that low intakes of saturated fat and sodium could increase risk for depression. Researchers are also exploring the role of nutrition in the prevention of depression.


One study found a relationship between physical inactivity and depression in adolescents. While the association was not statistically significant, it does suggest that adolescents who are more active are less likely to experience depression. The results showed that adolescents who participated in physical activities several times a week were less likely to experience depression than those who were inactive. This association was not significant among adolescents who did not participate in PA at all. But adolescents who were not physically active were more likely to exhibit symptoms of depression than those who participated in physical activity at least once a month.

Prevalence of depression in adolescents

A recent study examined the prevalence of depression in adolescents. In total, 9,554 adolescents were interviewed. Moderate-severe depression was common among the participants. The prevalence of depression was highest among female adolescents, those with at least a senior secondary school education, and those who lived in Hubei province. The study also found that the symptoms of depression were related to gender, sleeping more than 6 hours per day, and living in rural areas.

Treatment options

Among the available treatment options for depression in adolescents, psychotherapy is the first option. It can help adolescents who dislike the idea of taking medication, are afraid of the doctors or have a complex life that causes a lot of stress. Some adolescents may respond better to psychotherapy than to medication, but they still may need both forms of treatment. In some cases, a combination of medication and psychotherapy is needed to treat severe depression.

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