
Wedding Photography Tips

Whether you are a bride or a groom, there are a few tips you can use to ensure your wedding photography goes well. These tips include choosing a photographer that is easy to work with, creating a Moodboard, bringing your own light source, and using a two-camera technique.

Pre-wedding photo session

Having a pre-wedding photo session is a great way to get photos of the couple before their wedding. It also helps you save time on your big day. This means you’ll have more time for important shots and candid moments with friends and family.

Pre-wedding photos are often shot in the afternoon. This is because the natural light is softer than the flash. This makes the photos look more flattering.

A pre-wedding photo session can last for a few hours or all day. You can also choose to have your photo session indoors if the weather is not good.

If you want to have a unique pre-wedding photo session, you can ride a Harley Davidson. This is a fun and funky way to get your photos done.


Moodboards are a great way to brainstorm, organize, and get feedback from your clients. You can create a physical mood board or a digital one, depending on your needs.

Traditional mood boards are created by cutting and gluing images onto a foam board. You can also use spray adhesive or pin images onto a bulletin board.

Canva is an easy to use online tool that lets you create your own wedding mood board. Use the templates provided to create a professional looking board. You can also download images from Pinterest and use them in Canva.

A good mood board will help you define your wedding style and help you communicate your vision to your vendors. It also will help you organize small details such as colors, venue ideas, and floral arrangements.

Two-camera method

Using two cameras to take your wedding photographs can be a great idea. This allows you to be flexible, cover two different areas at once, and save you time when changing lenses. It also helps reduce the chance that you’ll accidentally have an image that’s too wide.

Using two cameras will also let you capture the best angle possible. This can be especially useful when shooting group shots. In this case, you can use a wide-angle lens to capture the entire group without having to get too close. You can also use a tripod to eliminate blur.

Other tips include using an off-camera flash unit to fill in shadows and pop your subjects during dimly lit receptions. However, don’t forget to be careful and always keep the camera safe.

Bringing your own light source

Bringing your own light source for wedding photography may seem complicated. However, learning to light a scene is a good way to gain knowledge. It also helps you develop a better understanding of light in general.

The light source you choose will affect the shadows in an image. Choosing natural or artificial light depends on your shooting style, budget and preference.

Adding an external flash can also help you control lighting. It can be used to add interest to dull light, fix overexposed skys and freeze raindrops. However, an external flash is more expensive and more difficult to use.

Using a diffuser can also help soften an external flash. You can also try using a shoot-through reflector to create a ring of light. This is easier to do without an assistant, and it creates a flattering ring of light.


Creating a contract for wedding photography can seem like a daunting task. However, with the help of a template, you can be confident that you’re creating a contract that covers all the important points.

A wedding photography contract is a legal document that details the costs and services involved. It will also outline the terms and conditions of the relationship between the photographer and the client. This will help to prevent any misunderstandings between the parties.

A contract should include the basics, such as how much the service will cost, how many hours the photographer will work, and how much it will cost for prints. It should also cover the details of the wedding, such as the date and time, the ceremony and reception, the location of the event, and the number of people attending.

Capturing the small details

Getting wedding detail shots can be a challenge. Many photographers overlook the importance of capturing these important moments.

Wedding details may include the bride and groom’s shoes, unique wedding dresses, or the bride’s grandmother’s hair brooch. In addition to being fun to capture, the small details can add a sense of personal and sentimental value to the wedding photos. Often, these shots are taken in the morning before the wedding ceremony begins.

A game plan will help you capture the details that are important to you. Make sure you communicate your needs to your photographer. For example, you may not want your bouquet to be hung from the tree branch in the countryside, but you may want it to be hung on an ornate vase in a manor.

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